Friday, August 5, 2011

5 Effective Ways to balance Sexual Energy levels in the body

5 Effective Ways to balance Sexual Energy levels in the body 

Sexual energy in the body is not just the energy we use to have sex, or that we get from having sex. It is vital energy that is stored in the body. This means at any given time, our energy 'reserve' is sexual energy. The reason its been called 'sexual' energy is because one of the few processes of the body that uses it exclusively in its simple primary form, is sex.

Having a balance of sexual energy is important because whether we have too much, or too less of it, we end up with various disorders.

Having too much sexual energy circulating in our energy fields instead of being released,causes;
  • Pent up energy putting pressure on the abdominal organs (constipation or diarhhea),
  • Lack of mental focus
  • High or unstable blood pressure
  • Inability to maintain stable body temperature (vulnerability to infections)
  • Stiffness in the bones and joints
  • Extra thick blood (which inhibits circulation, this is one of the causes of Varicose Veins, DVT)
  • Obesity due to poor liver function, poor digestive function
  • Hormonal imbalance due to poor liver and metabolic function
  • Heavy lifeless hair
  • Dull fingernails
  • Thick ankles
  • A general lack of flexibility in the body
  • Inability to express feelings, wishes
  • Infertility or sexual insufficiency in men
  • Unsatisfactory personal relationships and social anxiety because of being inhibited in self expression
Having less sexual energy in the body because of not being able to harness and hold sexual energy, causes;
  • Inability to enjoy physical pleasure for more than a few minutes at a time,
  • Low or unstable blood pressure (sudden high fever, hot flushes)
  • Emotional extremes and over-sensitivity
  • Weak and brittle bones (osteoporosis), hair, nails
  • Over-sensitive or problem skin
  • Chronic vitamin difficiency as the body is not able to absorb vitamins and nutrients properly from food
  • Sleep cycle irregularity, poor sleep quality
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Weak vein walls (chronic bruising)
  • Swollen feet, ankles, calves
  • Anemia
  • Obesity due to water retention, sluggish metabolism
  • Leucorrhea and Menstrual weakness
  • Premature ejaculation in men
  • Depression, Low self esteem
  • Premature Ageing
  • Pain or Ache in the Nerves of the hands, limbs
  • Weak facial nerves and muscles
Balancing sexual energy levels in the body, requires healing the energy field to;
1) Help it store more sexual energy, and
2) Remove blocks so that sexual energy can move around enabling all the processes that depend on it.

The following tips have these two aims.

5 Effective Ways to balance Sexual Energy levels in the body

1) Stop sexual energy from leaking out.

This is done by not engaging in activities which we don't really want to do. As long as you are doing something you really want to do - even if it is an unpleasant job - the energy body supports it. But if you don't want to do something, your energy field refuses to give you energy for it. If in spite of that, you force yourself to do it, you literally blow a hole in the energy field through which you could lose all your stored energy.

2) Engage in activities which give you fresh supplies of vital energy.

These are activities which you enjoy, which make you feel energized from deep within our abdomen. It differs from person to person, however the general rule of thumb is that the more of our bodies it includes the more vital energy we gain. For example, we would gain more energy from actually dancing than just watching someone dancing. A great way to get a fresh energy supply is laughing - with mind, and heart and body. Deep rhythmic breathing, like that we engage in in deep sleep, also increases energy supply immensely.

3) Massaging the body to release energy blocks.

When we release energy blocks in our bodies, we make it easy for sexual energy to move around. A simple easy way to release energy blocks is to massage ourselves anywhere we feel tense or achy, till we find the area relaxed again. Making a habit of massaging at a particular time every day helps a great deal as the body gets used to releasing tension regularly.

4) Correcting our foot connection with the ground beneath.

The human energy field uses a primal trigger to let it know when to receive sexual energy. This trigger is contact with the earth or something that is connected directly to the earth. When our feet are fully and firmly placed on the floor or earth, our energy bodies recieve the 'Go ahead and receive fresh energy' signal.

A guerilla tactic to balance sexual energy levels is to stand bare-feet on the earth for a few minutes in the morning and in the evening. Another way is to have a container of earth in your room into which you plant your hands for a few minutes morning and evening. 

5) Connect up the opposing poles of the energy field.

We have two opposing poles - our right hand or the crown of our head; and the left hand or the point at the bottom of our torso also called the Perinuem. When we connect these up we put into action a string of processes that balance all the various energies our bodies and minds use, sexual energy included.

Our hands connect up in various mudras - some of which are in the pictures in below.

Sexual energy levels can also be balanced using the vertical axis of the energy body. To do this requires inflating or deflating the energy field building up friction between the two opposite poles thus connecting them up. We do this naturally when we deeply enjoy something, when we orgasm and when we truly laugh.

An exercise to help this process happen more often is to breath in deep and hold breath in till we feel our entire torso vibrating with the air held in. Then we let the air out as slowly as possible and keep the lungs empty till we feel like every point of our torso is screaming for air again.

There are various yogic exercises from various schools of teaching, and all of them essentially use management of sexual energy in the body to keep the body young, refreshed and the mind sharp and focussed.

I prepare a time-tested Energy Medicine for those who need help balancing libido and sexual energy levels, enhance sexual function and fertility. I started making this treatment years ago to treat friends who were having trouble maintaining sexual energy levels in relationships. The same medicine also relieves restores strength and glow to hair and skin and balances emotional extremes, mood swings and stress. This helps balance the energy field so that we can react to life and people in more self aware, balanced manner. 

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