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How to beat Swine Flu by Raising your Immunity
As part of the global initiative by health-care providers, to raise awareness about Swine Flu or the HINI Virus, we provide you in this week's newsletter, a quick round-up of information you might need. This article provides information on How to Raise Your Immunity Holistically in the Short Term (For those who are in an area where someone has tested positive for Swine Flu and wish to protect yourself from the virus by raising your immunity immediately.)
Swine Flu FAQS
What are the Symptoms of Swine Flu (HINI Virus)?
The Symptoms of Swine Flu are just the same as the usual flu we humans get. These are usually fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
What's the difference between Swine Flu and the normal flu?
The virus that causes Swine Flu is a little different form the human flu because it actually developed in pigs, not humans.
Why is Swine Flu so dangerous for humans?
Swine Flu developed in pigs bodies, and their immune systems have also evolved to deal with it. We humans have different immune systems that haven't really been exposed to this particular virus before, so our bodies get shocked and if we are not strong enough to fight the infection or don't get treated in time, our bodies may not be able to fight the new virus.
How did Swine Flu spread from pigs to humans?
If you were wondering if it happened through someone eating pork, that's not true. Swine Flu spreads like any other flu - by person to person contact. We don't know the details but humans coming in touch with infected pigs is probably the way Swine Flu started affecting humans.
Why do some people catch Swine Flu and some others escape?
Every day we are exposed to all kinds of infection causing agents, but our bodies' immune systems fight these and keep us healthy. Its when our bodies are not able to fight infections as soon they occur that we develop flu. People with immune systems that are weak or already bombarded with work fighting other infections, are at a higher risk of getting Swine flu or any other infection. Those with robust immune systems resist getting the infection.
That said, there are any number of ways through which the virus spreads and you just never know if it will come in contact with a person or just pass by.
How does the Swine Flu virus spread among humans?
By physical contact. In a sense it is also 'air-borne' because when an infected person sneezes or coughs, respiratory droplets carrying the microbes of this virus could hang in air for about 5-6 feet around - and these could be inhaled by other people. These droplets could then settle on anything around and then get picked up as people move through and within the space.
How can I protect myself from getting Swine Flu?
Other natural foods that raise the body's immunity include olive leaf, astragalus, limes, lemons, gooseberries, rhodiola rosea, cats claw, aloe vera, garlic, zinc, echinacea, elderberry, grapeseed extract, apple cider vinegar.
You can have these raw, in decoctions or herbal extracts. The best thing to have is the one most easily available fresh locally rather than processed into pills.
If you are pregnant, please include as many of these as you can in your diet. Pregnant women naturally have their immunity a little lower so that their body does not reject the 'new' body developing within. This can expose them to the risk of infections. A little boost from fresh herbs, veggies and fruits is all it takes to keep healthy, so add them in.
2) Don't bombard your body with heavy digestive work. If you are eating food that is hard to digest, much of your body's resources are channelled into just digesting the food, this could have your immune system depleted temporarily and we don't want that. So eat light, cut out refined sugars, flours and oils as these are difficult to digest, and just keep your diet simple.
3) Stay calm. Every time we get stressd out we lose a whole of energy that we really need to stay physically healthy. There are times when we should be stressed out, and make our lives better. But 90% of all stress actually is a waste of energy because it is just a reaction of habit or plain old fear, neither of which is good for our bodies.
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